Monday, June 23, 2008

Everybody is better than Duke

So Duke was being sued by Univ. of Louisville for backing out of a 4 game agreement. They've played once, but Duke said "no mas" and backed out of the deal. Part of the agreement said that Duke would have to pay $150,000 per game if no opponent of equal stature could be found. U of L ended up scheduling games against Memphis. They weren't happy abou this. U of L said Duke should pay the $450,000. Duke challenged and said, basically, nobody is as bad as us, so any replacement should do. Well, a judge agreed with Duke. This means, that legally Duke is pretty much the worst. Click the helmet to read more.

Coming soon... the Cutcliffe era.

1 comment:

kenniebloggins said...

Lousiville is on the way to becoming the Duke of the Big East. Oh wait, Syracuse is already there. I bet Duke would be able to beat Lousville in two years. All of Louisville's players are defecting.